Dr. Daman Kashid(Patil) M.B.B.S, M.S, (General Surgon)
Kashid Hospital Piles Treatment Ahmednagnar, ( Piles Clinic Ahmednagar) is a highly recognized exclusive Proctology Center. Daman Kashid Proctologist has dedicated his service to proctology (diseases of the anus and rectum) since nearly twenty five years. He recognized the absence of a specialist clinic for patients suffering with Piles, Fissure, Fistula etc..
His vision of an exclusive hospital for Proctology in ahmednagar has greatly helped numerous suffering patients of Piles, Fissures and Fistulas over the last twenty four years.
Daman Kashid has a special Interest and expertise in the management of Fistula and other anal diseases.
Piles is another term for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal. They contain blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers. Many people have piles, but the symptoms are not always obvious. Hemorrhoids cause noticeable symptoms for at least 50 percent of people in the United States (U.S.) before the age of 50 years. Click here to Know more
Kashid Hospital Piles Treatment Ahmednagnar ahmednagar popular as piles clinic ahmednagar (Piles Treatment center) also known for Fistula Treatment , fissure Treatment, polyp Treatment, pruritus ani Treatment, abscess Treatment, anal warts Treatment, pilonidal sinus Treatment, sentinel pile Treatment, thrombosed cyst Treatment
(Piles Treatment center)मुळव्याध -अर्श, पाईल्स, कोम्ब , चुम्बळ
Fistula Treatment भगंदर- नासूर,
fissure Treatment त्वचा फाटने जखम होने,
polyp Treatment गुदगत ग्रंथी,
pruritus ani Treatment गुद्कन्दु,
abscess Treatment विद्र्धी बेंड ,
anal warts Treatment जमखिल,
pilonidal sinus Treatment नाड़ी व्रण,
sentinel pile Treatment बाहेर चा मुळ व्याध- बाह्य अर्श-कोंब,
thrombosed cyst Treatment ग्रंथी
(मुळव्याध -अर्श, पाईल्स, कोम्ब , चुम्बळ भगंदर- नासूर, त्वचा फाटने जखम होने, गुदगत ग्रंथी, गुद्कन्दु, विद्र्धी बेंड , जमखिल, नाड़ी व्रण, बाहेर चा मुळ व्याध- बाह्य अर्श-कोंब, ग्रंथी
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